
14 Mar 2025  1794

At SDV, we follow the mantra of stretching our limits and setting our goals high. We aim to provide a competitive environment where our students excel in all the arenas. We provide opportunities for children to compete in various games in order to build character and embed values such as team work, fairness and sportsmanship.

Computer Lab :

The computer lab is well-equipped with latest technology. The presence of computer lab enlivens the teaching methodology and breaks away from the conventional method of teaching using chalk and talk. In addition to it, the students expand their horizon of knowledge in the field of information and technology. All systems have Broadband Internet facility which can be easily extended as and when required. The labs are continuously upgraded for students to learn latest software skills. Furthermore, the students get ample opportunities to explore the websites relevant to their syllabus.

Library :

The School library is a learning resource center in the widest sense as it houses information resources and abundant reading material. The library is well stocked with a wide collection of books, periodicals and magazines on a variety of subjects. The students gain ample knowledge about the upcoming writers and authors by means of the book weeks organized by the school. To inculcate reading habits among children, they are honored with the “voracious reader award”. The school library fosters the development of life-long learning abilities and love for reading in the students. It also provides teachers with instructional materials.

Music room and Dance room :

Dance and music stimulate a very different part of student’s intellect and imagination. Students spend much of their free time in dance and music rooms that are housed separately.The child opts for a “hobby” on joining the school depending on his / her choice. The school wants every child to excel in some hobby by dedicating more time towards it.

Medical Room and camps

A team of doctors visit the School to conduct a medical check-up of the students. A qualified nurse attends to the minor ailments of students during School hours and maintains a complete record of each child.

A report of medical check-up is sent to the parents. Parents are advised to make a note of the advice given by the doctor and take follow up action where necessary. Parents are requested to inform the class teacher about chronic ailments.


“You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the further you get”- Michael Phelps

At SDV, we follow the mantra of stretching our limits and setting our goals high. We aim to provide a competitive environment where our students excel in all the arenas. We provide opportunities for children to compete in various games in order to build character and embed values such as team work, fairness and sportsmanship.

Sports’ Facilities:

  • Chess and carom hall
  • Yoga and meditation hall

  • Volleyball
  • Cricket
  • Taekwondo
  • Recreational open area

Art and Aesthetics:

“Art is not what you see but what you make others see.”- Edgar Degas

SDV believes in developing a sense of aesthetics in all the students which would help them to express and explore themselves authentically through art. We use art therapy for self understanding, emotional and personal growth of the students.